SEO Content appears the first in source code and on the very bottom of page. Its placement depends on Module.

1. Edit it in CMS "SEO Content" Content Area on normal CMS pages.

2. E-commerce categories have it in "SEO ("SEO Content")" section.

3. E-commerce Product is editable in "SEO Data (Content)" section.

There is default one that is in /styles/master1/c/ folder. If you want to replace it, just upload image with "caption-sub.jpg" name to the folder. Size should be 1920 x 320 pixels (6:1)

You can use Caption Image field in CMS to replace it on specific pages.

Or upload Category Image on category pages.

1. CMS - "Header" field

2. Ecommerce Category - category name

3. Ecommerce Product - product name

4. Blog list - blog name

5. Blog post - post name

6. News/Events item - news/events name


Blog and News/Events module also contain subtitle that is pushed automatically from modules

How Does Stress and Anxiety Affect Weight Loss?

Multiple studies have shown that habitual and prolonged stress and anxiety are killers. When left unabated, these afflictions wreak havoc within your mind, body, soul and spirit, spreading dis-ease throughout. They rob you of your precious, positive, life force. Intermittent stress & anxiety, can be beneficial as they can be a motivator or "Warning signal" to your overall being and consciousness.

These warning signs occur because elements within you, your surroundings, relationships, career, etc., are out of balance.

Think huge, flashing, yellow caution light.
When this occurs, there is a deepening urgency for you to immediately stop, review, assess and correct.

Chronic stress and/or anxiety amplify their debilitating effects, causing even greater urgency for coping and self-adjustment or correction.

Still your self so you are able to discern the cause of your stress and anxiety seek to see beyond or through it: so as to see "It" for what it really is, a grand opportunity for you to realign your course: your being.

Perception is reality as they say, so by adjusting your perceptions you modify your reality and illuminating your higher self. Believing the source of your stress is "External" ie. your boss, landlord, friend, spouse, partner or adversary, etc. is to negate ones accountability & responsibility to self. 

Still your self so you are able to discern the cause of your stress and anxiety seek to see beyond or through it: so as to see "It" for what it really is, a grand opportunity for you to realign your course: your being.
by Aspire Person - 7 years ago - 15/08/17, 08:50
Still your self so you are able to discern the cause of your stress and anxiety seek to see beyond or through it: so as to see "It" for what it really is, a grand opportunity for you to realign your course: your being.
by Aspire Person - 7 years ago - 15/08/17, 08:54

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